Com​​​​​​​petitive Groups

Our competitive groups are for those who already have a basic understanding of all four strokes. Our competitive groups this season are our Monashees, Rockies, and Valhalla groups. Swimmers in these groups will focus on continuing their development towards proficiency in all four strokes. They will be following the latest techniques and training methods in accordance to Swimming Canada's Long Term Athletic Development (LTAD).


Locations: Nelson, Castlegar

Ages: 9-12

Sessions: Up to 5 hours per week (plus dryland)

The Monashee group is are our first competitive group. In this group, the main focus is continued development in their stroke proficiency but we also introduce important training methods that'll help develop their swimming and teach them how to race. Monashee Swimmers are expected to attend meets throughout the season with special emphasis on our home meet and other meets in the Kootenay Region.


Locations: Nelson, Castlegar

Ages: 12 and up

Sessions: Up to 9 hours per week (plus dryland)

Rockies are our middle competitive group and are for those who are ready to make the transition to full time competitive swimming. This group compromises of dedicated athletes with the goal of achieving SwimBC Divisiona or USA 'BB' standards. Swimmers in the Rockies group are provided with a strong conditioning and technical background to help achieve their goals. Rockies swimmers are expected to attend most meets throughout the season and are welcome to attend Christmas and Spring training camps.


Locations: Nelson

Ages: 13 and up

Sessions: Up to 11 hours per week (plus dryland)

Valhallas are our top group and are for those who are pursing swimming further beyond. This group comprises of our most motivated and accomplished swimmers who have Divisional standards and have goals to attain SwimBC Provincial or USA 'AA' standards. Swimmers in the Valhalla group are provided with strong conditioning and technical backgroup to help achieve their goals. Valhallas are expected to attend most meets throughout the season and are also expected to attend Christmas and Spring training camps.